Tag: DofE

Paddle board DofE Weekend

Posted by on 29 July, 2023 in Wing

A very exciting paddle board weekend opportunity On the 13th and 14th May, Corporal Genc had the opportunity to join cadets for 40F and 25 squadron in building upon his […]

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Practise Bronze DofE Expedition

Posted by on 28 July, 2023 in Wing

Cadets complete their Practise Bronze DofE Expedition From the 22-23 April the Squadron recommenced its first DofE expedition in many years with a successful experience of learning by all in […]

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Gold for Dover CWO

Posted by on 19 August, 2019 in 354 Squadron, Awards

Congratulations to CWO Megan Wilshaw on Receiving her Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. Flight Sergeant Cloke RAFAC Sgt Naomi Cloke Cpl Megan Cloke were invited to assist at Buckingham Palace

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