
Check out everything happening in Kent!

Staying Home, Saving Lives

Cadets from across Kent Wing join together on Microsoft Teams to undertake their Bronze level Cyber Specialist award.

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Preparation for Wing Parade

Posted by on 15 March, 2020 in Adult Development, Band, First Aid

Busy weekend in Kent as the Wing Band practices for the upcoming Wing Parade and Cadets and Adult Volunteers train in First Aid

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In Recognition of long Service

Posted by on 2 March, 2020 in 354 Squadron, Adult Development

Being a Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer can be a huge commitment, and a huge reward

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Pooches On Parade

Posted by on 2 March, 2020 in 2427 Squadron, Community

Last week, 2427 had some furry new recruits join us for the evening.

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Activity First Aid Course

Posted by on 23 February, 2020 in Adult Development, First Aid

Kent Cadets gain Silver First Aid Badge!

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Training new expedition leaders!

Kent Wing has started it’s second Sports Leaders UK Lowland Expedition Leadership course

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Parading with Pride for ATC Sunday

Celebrating the 79th anniversary of the formation of the ATC, Cadets from across Kent came together to parade through central London.

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Bronze Musician Badge for Canterbury Cadet

Posted by on 19 January, 2020 in 312 Squadron, Band

During the recent band training day a Canterbury cadet gained their Bronze Musician badge!

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Record times at Wing Cross Country

Huge congratulations to all who participated in today’s Inter-Squadron Cross Country competition.

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Dover Cadet Flying High in the RAF

Posted by on 23 November, 2019 in 354 Squadron, Aviation, Wing

Ex cadet of Dover squadron joins the RAF.

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